Varicose veins on the legs – the main reasons of the first signs.

Currently, the varicose veins on the legs is a very common disease. The incidence in women is 3 times higher than in men. This is due to the anatomical structure of the vessels, their location and pregnancy.

In the last decades has been a "rejuvenation" of the disease, often suffer from varicose veins on the legs, signs of which are already pronounced, there are also students. Who classifies venous disease to life-threatening diseases, "shooting first feet, and then in the heart", because of its lethal complications.

Varicose veins on legs causes


Unlike arteries, veins have valves, because of the presence of which the back flow of blood impossible. When these valves in the body imbalance of elastin and collagen, which drastically reduces the elasticity of the walls, there is contraction and stretching. As a result, valves and vessels do not cope with their functions, a reverse flow develops a stagnation. This is the mechanism of occurrence of varicose veins.

In the formation of varicose veins on legs causes that lead to its development, is more.

Genetic predisposition

This is one of the major causes of varicose veins on the legs — is defined in 1/3 of patients with this disease. The presence of varicose disease in close relatives (parents, grandmothers, great-grandmothers) the probability of occurrence of the disease is 70%. A hereditary factor is not a disease but a genetically determined anatomical structure of the vessels:

  • congenital defective valves;
  • underdeveloped connective tissue walls of blood vessels.
  • In this context, varicose veins on the legs, signs of which are available in different rates, in young people of both sexes and even children, is so prevalent.

    Hormonal imbalance in the body

    With varicose veins on legs causes for its development are various, but among them the most important is the hormonal imbalance that occurs when:

    • pregnancy and childbirth;
    • the menstrual period;
    • menopause;
    • treatment with drugs or hormones used in birth control.
    • Female sexual hormones (progesterone, etc) and their equivalents cause destruction of the collagen in the vein walls. This greatly reduces their tone.

      Inflammatory processes of the sexual organs


      Inflammation in the pelvis can cause hormonal disorders and changes in blood flow in small vessels. The result is a communication between veins and arteries, increase the volume and pressure of blood in the veins. They dilate the valves do not stand up the back flow of blood, occur varices.

      Neurological disorders

      Tons of all vessels that are governed by the nerve endings. If under certain influences (stress, depression, neurosis, etc) is a violation of the nervous regulation of the venous tone decreases and if the diameter of the veins increases.

      Physical overload leads to increased pressure in the veins. When large static loads (weight of the body, carrying heavy loads, pregnancy and childbirth, long legs, motionless) significantly enhanced pressure in the veins. The risk groups are the vendors, teachers, barbers, and porters.

      A sedentary lifestyle or work

      The evil of modern life — "computer.". Leg muscles are some sort of "pump": when they decrease venous blood moves faster. In the seated position the muscles do not contract, except for Togo — veins are clamped, their tone is reduced, is a violation of blood circulation.

      Increased intra-abdominal pressure leads to high pressure in the veins of the legs, which interfere with the function of the valve. This happens with long-term constipation, sneezing, coughing.

      For the development of varicose veins on the legs can lead to reduced immunity, injuries. Plays an important role sexual identity. In conjunction with a genetic predisposition women have varicose veins on the legs, signs of which can be expressed in different degrees, are much more common than in men. Men go to the doctor when dangerous complications and without surgical treatment done, it is impossible.

      Varicose veins legs symptoms


      If varicose veins on the legs are the first symptoms of the disease may not be pronounced and not immediately draw attention to yourself. These include:

      • a thin vascular mesh purple - blue color;
      • pain, fatigue, burning sensation or itching in the legs by the evening;
      • numbness or twitching of muscles at night.

      The progression of changes in the venous veins, varicose veins on the legs are the first symptoms of the disease worse, and complaints are becoming more:

      • the skin at the site of the varicose veins on the legs thickened, scaly, covered with blue dots;
      • pain in the calf muscles become durable when walking increase;
      • seems venous nodes, accompanied by pain on palpation.

      In the future, when there are varicose veins on the legs are signs of disease increase and edema. They are a sign that the veins can not cope with its function. This period of dangerous complications that can lead to death:

      • thrombophlebitis;
      • thromboembolism;
      • sores;
      • bleeding, which may occur from a slight shock, stop him hard.

      Therefore, the varicose veins on the legs, the characters grow, they need time to heal, due to the potential complications. Thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the inner vein wall) promote the formation of blood clots, which can block the blood flow in the vessel (phlebothrombosis), or, separated, to go with the flow of blood in the lungs (thromboembolism), which can result in death.

      To avoid fatal complications should be a timely appeal to phlebologist (angiohirurgu) and check blood clotting.

      Varicose veins legs treatment


      If you have symptoms of varicose veins on legs treatment should begin immediately. Currently, medicine has made substantial progress in the treatment of this pathology.

      If you discover the first signs of varicose veins on the legs, treatment is not always possible without surgery consists of several procedures:

      • 1. Medical: assigned, depending on the condition of the vessels (according to the results of the survey of vessels on ultrasound or contrast venografii), venotoniki, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants. Perhaps the drug use of these groups at the local level in the form of gels, ointments, creams.
      • An important role in the treatment of varicose veins plays therapy, designed to restore the tone of the venous walls.

      • 2. Compression treatment: wearing a special stocking, or at least the use of elastic bandages.
      • 3. Pneumatic massage improves tissue nutrition, which leads to the improvement of the flow of venous blood.
      • 4. Sclerotherapy is the introduction of medicines into a vein, blocking the flow of blood through it. There is a progressive atrophy of the vessel, disappears.
      • 5. Laser coagulation of blood vessels, which is the most modern way. Performed under General anesthesia, a positive result occurs in the month.

      Varicose veins on legs prevention

      With varicose veins on legs prevention in the wider sense consists of three rules:

      • 1. Walking is better than standing.
      • 2. Sitting is better than standing.
      • 3. Lie better than sitting.

      To make blood vessels operate properly, the leg muscles need to contract. Or legs must be in a horizontal elevated position with straight knees.

      If a person is forced to stand for long or sit — it is in the high risk group. For a good flow of venous blood to be a contraction of the muscles of the legs and the heart. Therefore, the varicose veins on legs prevention, which is active lifestyle, which includes, if possible:

      – walking at a fast pace;

      – swimming;

      – Biking.

      Physical activity should not be prolonged.

      With a long standing — "the cross" from foot to foot, wiggling his toes.

      Avoid prolonged sitting position:

      • occasionally raise your legs on a table, or at the level of the heart to improve blood flow;
      • you can put the legs on the stand and with the force to pull up the toes a few times — this will reduce the venous pressure;
      • break for 10 minutes for a walk or for a workout of the legs after each hour of sitting;
      • in all cases, physical activity (movement, running, training on a simulator), as well as during pregnancy, before flying on an airplane, long car is to be used for compression socks.
    • Contraindicated with varicose veins in the legs:
    • overeating, consuming large quantities of spicy, salty, oily;
    • alcohol, Smoking;
    • weight;
    • lifting and carrying of heavy loads;
    • a hot bath more than 10 minutes with the higher temperature 36.70 C, saunas, solariums;
    • heat treatment;
    • hormonal drugs, including birth control;
    • heel more than 4 cm (calf muscles begin to decline partly, which leads to impaired venous circulation).

    It is impossible to self-heal. At the first sign of varicose veins, you must consult a doctor and start the treatment — this will help you to avoid serious complications.